The Illinois Welcoming Center (IWC)-BIHD
Is an innovative and state-funded program, managed by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), designed to facilitate the integration of immigrants and refugees in Illinois. It offers comprehensive services in a culturally sensitive manner, aligns with BIHD’s mission of justice and equality, provides vital resources, and promotes economic development within immigrant communities. Through these initiatives, the program aims to create a more just and equitable society for all.
This initiative is a collaboration between the State of Illinois’ Department of Human Services (IDHS) and the Binational Institute of Human Development (BIHD), a non-profit organization with a clear mission to empower and integrate immigrant communities and disenfranchised groups into American society.

Mission Alignment
BIHD, as a non-profit organization, is committed to fostering equality and justice across various domains, including legal and immigration processes, education, healthcare, human rights, and economic development. Our organization has a clear mission, to empower and integrate immigrant communities and disenfranchised groups into American society. The Welcoming Center is a tangible manifestation of this mission, acting as a bridge between institutions, government agencies, corporations, and the communities it serves.
Comprehensive Integration Services
The Illinois Welcoming Center-BIHD is a state-funded initiative administered by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS). It serves as a comprehensive one-stop hub for the integration of immigrants and refugees in Illinois. The program offers holistic case management and service coordination, ensuring that individuals receive the support they need in a linguistically and culturally sensitive manner.
Resource Guidance and Referrals
The Illinois Welcoming Center-BIHD provides immigrants, refugees, and new arrivals with invaluable resources and referrals to free services. The program is dedicated to ensuring that these services are culturally and linguistically appropriate, making the integration process smoother and more effective.
Service Offerings
The Welcoming Center offers a comprehensive range of vital services, including assistance with immigration and legal matters, basic community services, food assistance, housing support, counseling, education resources, Medicaid application assistance, Chicago City Key ID application assistance, health-related services, and Small Business Development.
Economic Empowerment
Recognizing that economic development is a crucial component of successful immigration integration, BIHD actively promotes the establishment of micro and small businesses within immigrant communities. This initiative provides opportunities for growth, improvement, and effective integration into society.

El BIHD - ILLINOIS WELCOMING CENTER brinda servicios vitales, que incluyen:
- Immigration and Legal Services.
- Crisis Management – Counseling, and Wellness Coaching Services
- Assistance in Applying for a Link card – Cash and Food Stamps Assistance (SNAP) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program.
- Illinois Medical Card Application.
- LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program).
- Public Education Guidance and assistance.
- Housing Guidance and Assistance.
- Elderly Services Guidance and Assistance.
- Small Business Guidance and Assistance – Become a Business Owner.
- Crisis Management – Counseling, and Wellness Coaching Services
- Chicago City Key ID